Accessibility Statement

We want everyone who visits the Nickelled website to feel welcome and find the experience rewarding.

What are we doing?

To help us make the Nickelled website a positive place for everyone, we've been using the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1.

The guidelines have three levels of accessibility (A, AA and AAA). We’ve chosen Level A as the target for the Nickelled website.

How are we doing?

We're working hard to achieve our goal of Level A accessibility, but we realise there are some areas that still need improving. The following information explains what we're doing to make that happen.

Success criteria 1.2.1:

We have invested in transcripts for most of the videos on our site and will continue to work towards 100% provision.

Success criteria 1.2.2:

Not applicable. Nickelled does not use prerecorded audio content.

Success criteria 1.2.3:

We have invested in transcripts for most of the videos on our site and will continue to work towards 100% provision.

Success criteria 1.3.3:

A key part of Nickelled guides rely on visual interpretation. However, we are exploring programmatic (screen-reader) ways of delivering the same information.

Success criteria 1.4.2:

Not applicable. Nickelled does not use audio content.

Success criteria 2.1.4:

We will address this limitation in a forthcoming update.

Success criteria 3.1.1:

We will address this limitation in a forthcoming update.

Success criteria 3.2.1:

We will address this limitation in a forthcoming update.

Success criteria 3.2.2:

NIckelled's complex guide creation software requires regular contextual changes in order to function. However, we will work towards avoiding disruptive changes that would cause issues for users with accessibility concerns.

Success criteria 4.1.1:

We will address this limitation in a forthcoming update.

Success criteria 4.1.2:

We will address this limitation in a forthcoming update.

Let us know what you think

If you enjoyed using the Nickelled website, or if you had trouble with any part of it, please get in touch. We'd like to hear from you in any of the following ways:

This accessibility statement was generated on 14th October 2019