Looking for an Tutorialize alternative? We've got you covered.

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Tutorialize Alternative: Nickelled

Our honest review of Tutorialize

Tutorialize wins on simplicity - setting up an account and creating tutorials were enviably simple processes, with very little friction along the way. The design of the site is a little clunky at times, but it's hard to hold that against what's essentially a very rapid guide creation process.

We were able to create a guide using the simple drag-and-drop Chrome extension, and launching the guide looked simple enough - with Tutorialize's javascript library installed, a simple call would fire up a given guide on the page.

However, Tutorialize's simplicity is something of a double-edged sword. It's not possible, for instance, to edit a guide after it's been created, and more complex firing rules aren't available either. There's no way to add multi-page guides (that we could see) and although analytics are available, they're fairly rudimentary.

Tutorialize's pricing is clear and competitive, with the most expensive package topping out at just $59 per month.

This price band, plus the comparatively limited functionality of the service, suggests that Tutorialize is most suited as an entry-level tool.

When should I choose Nickelled over Tutorialize?

We recommend Nickelled for those who are looking for a robust, fully-featured user onboarding solution. While Tutorialize's features and price points will be suited to startups and those on a budget, we feel that they may be unlikely to tick the boxes for established companies where enhanced features, data or support is required.

Tutorialize requires a Chrome extension to create a guide and the installation of Javascript to view guides, which may not suit all users.

Finally, Tutorialize's pricing structure, which is based on views rather than guides, makes it hard to recommend for business which serve volume.

Comparison Table

Tutorialize Nickelled
Indicative pricing $ $$
Price From $14 per month with 4 guides and 4000 views Source From $249/m
Free trial 20-days, unlimited trial, no card required 14-days, unlimited trial, no card required
Installation Requires Chrome Plugin for guide creation Requires Javascript snippet installation for viewing No software required for guide creation (Chrome plugin optional) No installation required for viewing
Guide styling Yes - CSS support Yes - able to change colors and step shapes. No CSS support
Formats On-page guide, cannot be launched outside of site Javascript call initializes and then launches guide External guide (no Javascript snippet required) With in-app activation options including Mission Dock, embedded iFrame and easy-to-use links
Multiple language support No Yes
Multi-page support No Yes
Guide step limit Unlimited Unlimited
Guide A/B testing No No
Self hosted option No No
Guide analytics Yes Yes
Support structure Form-based Extensive customer success program

They say about Tutorialize:

"The point-and-click interface is simple to use, with keyboard shortcuts, multilingual support, fully custom CSS, custom tip markup, tip positions and spotlighting of tip targets."

They say about Nickelled:

"We love the way Nickelled lets us show users around our site. It took us no time to get up and running."
Luke Todd, Head of Customer Operations at Gumtree

Please note: Feature information correct as of October 2016. Nickelled has made every attempt to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided on this website. However, the information is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. Nickelled does not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, completeness, legality, or reliability of the information contained on this website.